
API Endpoints




API Endpoint

Google Cloud





Authenticate your account when using the API by signing the request with your access key ID and secret access key. You can manage your API keys in the console.

Pi API signature algorithm is based on AWS Signature Version 4, with the following differences:

  • Use host, region, service name of Pi instead of AWS.

  • Change the HTTP headers X-AMZ-* to X-Hyper-*

  • Change the literatures with "AWS" to "HYPER"

Step 0: Prepare the requests

The signed requests must include the following headers:

  • Content-Type, default value is application/json

  • X-Hyper-Date, the API timestamps, default value 20060102T150405Z (UTC time)

  • Host, the API endpoint, for example gcp-us-central1.hyper.sh

Step 1: Create a canonical request

Hash the request body with SHA256, and write the hash in the Header X-Hyper-Content-Sha256.

Then, collect the headers to be hashed, including Content-Type, Content-Md5, Host, and all headers with X-Hyper- prefix. The headers are sorted by alphabet with the header name (lowercase) as key. Note, if the Host header contains a port, such as gcp-us-central1.hyper.sh:443, the :port part will be dropped.

The headersTobeSign are joined with colon (:) and newline (\n), for example:


Then, join the headers with semicolon, for example


Then we could get the canonical request, which joins the following parts with newline(\n): request method, URI path, query string, the above headersTobeSign, the header list, and the hash of payload.

And we calculate the SHA256 checksum of Canonical Request.

Step 2: Create a String to Sign

The string to sign contains 4 parts, and joined with newline(\n):

  • Algorithm: literature "HYPER-HMAC-SHA256"

  • Request time stamp

  • Request scope, includes the following parts joined with slash(/)

    • Region: default is gcp-us-central1

    • Service: default is hyper

    • Date: first 8 bytes of timestamp, e.g. the date part.

    • Literature "hyper_request"

  • The hex string of hashed canonical request got in step 1

Step 3: Calculate the signature

Use the HMAC SHA256 Algorithm to sign the request, we call it several times to get the signing key firstly:

kDate := hmacSHA256((keyPartsPrefix+secretKey), date)
kRegion := hmacSHA256(kDate, region)
kService := hmacSHA256(kRegion, service)
kSigning := hmacSHA256(kService, keyPartsRequest)

In the above code,

  • keyPartsPrefix is "HYPER",

  • secretKey is the user's secretKey

  • region and service are got in step 2, and

  • keyPartsRequest is "hyper_request"

Having gotten the kSigning, we calculate the Signature of the string in step 2 with another hmacSHA256:

hmacSHA256(signingKey, stringToSign)

Step4: Add the signature to the request

The signature will be inserted as Authorization header, the content are

HYPER-HMAC-SHA256  Credential={AccessKey}/{Request Scope}, SignedHeaders={Signed Header}, Signature={Signature}

Where the

  • {AccessKey} is the AccessKey of the user;

  • {Request Scope} is the request scope in step 2;

  • {Signed Header} is the semicolon joined header list in Step 1;

  • {Signature} is the signature we got in Step 3.

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