Func logs
GET https://$$name/$uuid
Retrieve the logs of a function.
The endpoint should be $
, and no signature authentication requirements.
Example request:
Example response:
URL parameters:
$region - Supported region.
$name - The function name.
$uuid - The uuid of function.
Query Parameters:
callid - Filter logs of specific CallId. Default
.follow - 1/True/true or 0/False/false, return stream. Default
.tail - Output specified number of lines at the end of logs:
. Default all.
Json Response:
Time - The time of the event.
Event - The event name, can be CALL, PENDING, RUNNING, FINISHED, FAILED.
CallId - The call id of a function call.
ShortStdin - The first few bytes of STDIN.
ShortStdout - The first few bytes of STDOUT.
ShortStderr - The first few bytes of STDERR.
Message - The error message.
Status Codes:
101 - no error, hints proxy about hijacking
200 - no error, no upgrade header found
404 - no such function
500 - server error
Last updated