hyper container as server

Instructions for data migration

  • Run a file server container in hyper.sh(with data volumes mounted, and a FIP was attached)

  • Download volume data from the hyper container to your localhost

Here is an example of running the SFTP(It's safer than FTP) server container in hyper.sh

We will use the docker image atmoz/sftp in this example:


  • 1 quota to pull image atmoz/sftp

  • 1 quota to run a container

  • 1 quota to allocate a fip

Get volume name to backup

//show all data volume
$ hyper volume ls
DRIVER              NAME                                                              SIZE     CONTAINER
hyper               data                                                              10 GB    074b88d328082c01d50e65580385a91fc2ecfae105f935291df66c44c42acb4e
hyper               95c10ca3f04efd493f9c946df9d3a65aace0f289cb7d4a0730424cc4846c5e7   10 GB

if the volume is attached to a hyper container, please delete the container without -v

$ hyper rm -f 074b88d328082c01d50e65580385a91fc2ecfae105f935291df66c44c42acb4e
NOTICE : attached volume(data) is not deleted

//show all data volume again
DRIVER              NAME                                                             SIZE      CONTAINER
hyper               data                                                             10 GB
hyper               95c10ca3f04efd493f9c946df9d3a65aace0f289cb7d4a0730424cc4846c5e7  10 GB

Start a SFTP server

start a SFTP server container with volume mounted in hyper.sh

$ SFTP_USER="backupdata"          # You can change the username
$ SFTP_PWD="temppassword"         # Don't use the password in this example
$ SFTP_PORT="2222"                # Set the port of the SFTP server

$ for vol in data 95c10ca3f04efd493f9c946df9d3a65aace0f289cb7d4a0730424cc4846c5e7
  VOL_LIST="-v ${vol}:/home/${SFTP_USER}/${vol} ${VOL_LIST}"

$ hyper run -d --name sftpserver ${VOL_LIST} -p ${SFTP_PORT}:22 atmoz/sftp "${SFTP_USER}:${SFTP_PWD}:1001:0"

// for zsh
$ eval "hyper run -d --name sftpserver ${VOL_LIST} -p ${SFTP_PORT}:22 atmoz/sftp \"${SFTP_USER}:${SFTP_PWD}:1001:0\""

SFTP user is the same user group as root here

If you want to use an encrypted password when running hyper container, please go to FAQ5

Attach FIP

attach a public IP to the SFTP server container

//If you have an unused FIP
$ FIP=$(hyper fip ls -f dangling=true | grep -v Floating | head -n 1)

//If you have FIP in use, please detach one from a container, then run the above command line again
$ hyper fip detach <container>

//If you don't have FIP, please allocate one.
$ FIP=$(hyper fip allocate -y 1)

//Attach the FIP to the SFTP server container
$ hyper fip attach ${FIP} sftpserver

Download file

Copy file from SFTP server to localhost

//root directory for SFTP is '/home/${SFTP_USER}', all volumes are mounted in this directory.

//for example:
//'data' is the volume name, the full file path in the container is /home/backupdata/data/hello.txt, so the path of SFTP is /data/hello.txt

//non-interactive mode
$ sftp -P ${SFTP_PORT} ${SFTP_USER}@${FIP}:/data/hello.txt .

//interactive mode
$ sftp -P ${SFTP_PORT} ${SFTP_USER}@${FIP}
backupdata@'s password:
Connected to backupdata@
sftp> ls
sftp> get data/data.tar.gz
Fetching /data/data.tar.gz to data.tar.gz
/data/data.tar.gz                                                100%  123     0.4KB/s   00:00
sftp> !ls -l hello.tar.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 xjimmy  staff  45 12 20 15:44 hello.tar.gz
sftp> exit

When the terminal prompts for a password for SFTP, please enter the value of SFTP_PWD

Delete the SFTP server

$ hyper rm -f sftpserver
NOTICE : attached volume(data) is not deleted
NOTICE : attached volume(95c10ca3f04efd493f9c946df9d3a65aace0f289cb7d4a0730424cc4846c5e7) is not deleted

Use util.sh

To make it easier for you to create the SFTP server container, we also provide a script.

You can download the script here: util.sh

After you download this script, please set the file mode: chmod +x util.sh

Here's an example:

// If you do not use the default hyper config, you can modify the HYPER_BIN variable in uitl.sh

// start a SFTP server container in hyper.sh, then copy the files in the volume from hyper.sh to localhost
$ ./util.sh generate            # genereate SFTP password
$ ./util.sh start vol1 vol2     # start SFTP server container, run 'hyper volume ls' to get the volume name
$ ./util.sh view                # get SFTP server IP and account

//download file with non-interactive mode
$ sftp -P 2222 backupdata@ .   # root directory for SFTP is '/home/backupdata', all volumes are mounted in this dir.

//download directory with interactive mode
$ sftp -P 2222 backupdata@
sftp> ls
sftp> get -Pr *
sftp> exit

// delete SFTP server container, fip, and SFTP server password file
$ ./util.sh clean

A FIP will be attached to the SFTP server container automatically, in this case, the FIP is

The script was tested under MacOS,CentOS, and Ubuntu


1. No more image quota for use

Please delete an image

$ hyper rmi <image>

2. No more container quota for use

Please delete a container

//If you want to delete volumes mounted on the container, you can run:
$ hyper rm -fv <container>

//If you want to keep the volume data, just run:
$ hyper rm -f <container>

3. No more FIP quota for use

Please detach the using FIP from your container

$ hyper fip detach <container>

4. How to get the SFTP account

You can run the following command line

$ ./util.sh view

5. Can I use an encrypted password for SFTP


// generate passwords
$ hyper pull atmoz/makepasswd
$ RESULT=$(hyper run -it --rm atmoz/makepasswd --crypt-md5)
$ SFTP_PWD=$(echo -n $RESULT | awk '{print $1}')
$ SFTP_CRYPT_PWD=$(echo -n $RESULT | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d "\\r")

//start the SFTP server container with an encrypted password
$ hyper run -d --name sftpserver \
    ${VOL_LIST} \
    -p ${SFTP_PORT}:22 \
    atmoz/sftp "${SFTP_USER}:${SFTP_CRYPT_PWD}:e:1001:0"

You can also use the local docker daemon to run the atmoz/makepasswd container.

SFTP_PWD is the plain password for login SFTP SFTP_CRYPT_PWD is the encrypted password for start SFTP server container

6. Can I change the SFTP docker image


The `util.sh` script uses two docker images:
- atmoz/sftp
- atmoz/makepasswd

Here is the Dockerfile
- https://github.com/atmoz/sftp
- https://github.com/atmoz/makepasswd

You can also build both images by yourself, then push them to docker hub.
Then update the value of MKPWD_IMAGE_NAME and SFTP_IMAGE_NAME in the `util.sh` script.

7. No space left on volume

  • create a volume with enough space

  • mount the volume to the SFTP server container

//create a new volume
$ hyper volume create --name vol-backup --size 20

//delete old sftpserver container
$ ./util.sh delete

//create a new sftpserver container with the new volume
$ ./util.sh start vol-backup data 95c10ca3f04efd493f9c946df9d3a65aace0f289cb7d4a0730424cc4846c5e7

$ hyper exec -it sftpserver df -hT | grep home
/dev/sda       ext4      9.8G  137M  9.1G   2% /home/backupdata/data
/dev/sdb       ext4       20G   45M   19G   1% /home/backupdata/vol-backup     <<<<<<<<<< this is the new volume
/dev/sdc       ext4      9.8G  137M  9.1G   2% /home/backupdata/95c10ca3f04efd493f9c946df9d3a65aace0f289cb7d4a0730424cc4846c5e7

8. How to compress the data in volume

  • enter the sftpserver container

  • cd the data dir

    • SFTP root directory is /home/backupdata

    • all volume will be mounted in this dir

  • compress the file

$ hyper exec -it sftpserver bash
root@5a7d578f7969:/# cd /home/backupdata
root@5a7d578f7969:/home/backupdata# ls -l
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Dec 19 06:59 95c10ca3f04efd493f9c946df9d3a65aace0f289cb7d4a0730424cc4846c5e7
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Dec 19 06:59 data
root@5a7d578f7969:/home/backupdata# tar czvf data/hello.tar.gz data/hello.txt
root@5a7d578f7969:/home/backupdata# ls -l data
total 102500
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    101878 Dec 19 13:44 hello.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 104857600 Dec 19 13:39 hello.txt

9. SFTP access denied

I changed the SFTP_USER to backup in util.sh, but when I login the SFTP server, the error occur:

backupdata@'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.

The reason is that backup is an existing user name, the following user names cannot be used as user name of this SFTP server container

root, daemon, bin, sys, sync, games, man, lp, mail, news, uucp, proxy, www-data,
backup, list, irc, gnats, nobody, _apt, messagebus, sshd,
systemd-timesync, systemd-network, systemd-resolve, systemd-bus-proxy

10. Permissions issues with file and directory

case1: file has no permissions

$ sftp -P 2222 backupdata@ .
backupdata@'s password:
Connected to
Fetching /data/hello.txt to ./hello.txt
remote open("/data/hello.txt"): Permission denied
Connection closed.

Cause: SFTP user doesn't have access to the file Solution1. Change the file mode, for example:

$ hyper exec -it sftpserver bash
root@a52aa7ba39b4:/# cd /home/backupdata/
root@a52aa7ba39b4:/home/backupdata# chmod g+r -R data/*

If you don't want to change your file mode, you can use solution2.

Solution2. compress the files, for example:

$ hyper exec -it sftpserver bash
root@a52aa7ba39b4:/# cd /home/backupdata/data
root@a52aa7ba39b4:/home/backupdata/data# tar czvf data.tar.gz *

case2: directory has no permissions

$ sftp -P 2222 backupdata@ .
backupdata@'s password:
Connected to
File "/data/hello.txt" not found.
Connection closed.


$ sftp -P 2222 backupdata@
backupdata@'s password:
Connected to backupdata@
sftp> cd data
sftp> ls
remote readdir("/data"): Permission denied

Cause: SFTP user doesn't have access to the volume mount directory Solution: Change the directory mode, for example::

$ hyper exec -it sftpserver bash
root@a52aa7ba39b4:/# cd /home/backupdata/
root@a52aa7ba39b4:/home/backupdata# chmod g+rx data

Last updated