hyper container as client

Instructions for data migration

  • Install and config the command line tool in your running hyper container

  • Upload volume data from the hyper container to your own server or cloud storage with cli


Any of the following

  • You have your own file server

    • SFTP server with public IP

    • SSH server with public IP

  • You have your own cloud storage

    • AWS S3

    • Google Cloud Storage

    • Azure Blob Storage

    • ...



You should have the IP, Port, username, and password of your own SFTP/SSH server.

Example: copy file from the hyper container to the SFTP server

$ hyper exec -it mycontainer sh
root@5cd5b9fe7b2a:~# which sftp
root@5cd5b9fe7b2a:~# tar czvf /data/hello.tar.gz /data/hello.txt
root@5cd5b9fe7b2a:~# sftp -P 2222 /data/hello.tar.gz foo@

Example: copy file from hyper container to the SSH server

$ hyper exec -it mycontainer sh
root@5cd5b9fe7b2a:~# which scp
root@5cd5b9fe7b2a:~# tar czvf /data/hello.tar.gz /data/hello.txt
root@5cd5b9fe7b2a:~# scp -P 2222 /data/hello.tar.gz foo@

If your server has keypairs, you can create the private key file in the hyper container.

$ hyper exec -it mycontainer sh
root@5cd5b9fe7b2a:~# which scp
root@5cd5b9fe7b2a:~#  cat > key.pem <<EOF
<content of the private key>
root@5cd5b9fe7b2a:~#  chmod 400 key.pem
root@5cd5b9fe7b2a:~# scp -i key.pem -P 2222 /data/hello.tar.gz foo@
root@5cd5b9fe7b2a:~# rm -rf key.pem




  • create a temporary credential with AWS console first, then you will get AWS Access Key and AWS Secret Access Key

  • install and config aws cli in the hyper container

  • compress files in the volume

  • copy compressed file to s3

$ hyper exec -it mycontainer sh
root@5cd5b9fe7b2a:~# apt-get update
root@5cd5b9fe7b2a:~# apt-get install -y python-dev python-pip
root@5cd5b9fe7b2a:~# pip install awscli

root@5cd5b9fe7b2a:~# aws --profile temp configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: xxx
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: xxx
Default region name [None]:
Default output format [None]:

root@5cd5b9fe7b2a:~# aws --profile temp s3 mb s3://hyper-backup-bucket

root@5cd5b9fe7b2a:~# aws --profile temp s3 cp /data/hello.txt s3://hyper-backup-bucket/data/hello.txt

root@5cd5b9fe7b2a:~# aws --profile temp s3 sync /data/ s3://hyper-backup-bucket/data/

Google Cloud Storage


Run the following command lines in the hyper container

// install gsutil
root@a52aa7ba39b4:/# curl https://sdk.cloud.google.com | bash

// init gcloud
root@a52aa7ba39b4:/# source /root/.bashrc
root@a52aa7ba39b4:/# gcloud init
Go to the following link in your browser:


Enter verification code: <get the code from the above link>

// create bucket
root@a52aa7ba39b4:/# gsutil mb -l us-east1 gs://hyper-backup-bucket/
Creating gs://hyper-backup-bucket/...

// copy file from hyper container to google cloud storage
root@a52aa7ba39b4:/# cd /home/backupdata/data/
root@a52aa7ba39b4:/home/backupdata/data# gsutil cp data.tar.gz gs://hyper-backup-bucket/
Copying file://data.tar.gz [Content-Type=application/x-tar]...
- [1 files][  123.0 B/  123.0 B]
Operation completed over 1 objects/123.0 B.

Azure Blob Storage


There is no example here, but it is similar to the example above.

Last updated