
service inspect

Usage:    hyper service inspect [OPTIONS] service [service...]

Display detailed information on the given service

-f, --format       Format the output using the given go template
--help             Print usage

By default, this will render all results in a JSON array. Go’s text/template package describes all the details of the format.


Inspect a service:

$ hyper service inspect http
        "Name": "http",
        "Image": "nginx",
        "WorkingDir": "",
        "ContainerSize": "s4",
        "SSLCert": "",
        "NetMode": "bridge",
        "StopSignal": "SIGTERM",
        "ServicePort": 80,
        "ContainerPort": 80,
        "Replicas": 3,
        "HealthCheckInterval": 3,
        "HealthCheckFall": 3,
        "HealthCheckRise": 2,
        "Algorithm": "roundrobin",
        "Protocol": "tcp",
        "Stdin": false,
        "Tty": false,
        "SessionAffinity": false,
        "Entrypoint": [],
        "Cmd": [],
        "Env": [],
        "Volumes": {},
        "Labels": {
            "app": "nginx"
        "SecurityGroups": {},
        "IP": "",
        "FIP": "",
        "Message": "Scaling complete",
        "Status": "active",
        "Containers": [

Get an service's internal IP address:

For the most part, you can pick out any field from the JSON in a fairly straightforward manner.

$ hyper service inspect --format='{{json .IP}}' http

Get an service's floating IP address:

$ hyper service inspect --format='{{json .FIP}}' http

Get a list of backend containers:

$ hyper service inspect --format='{{json .Containers}}' http

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