Install CLI

Hyper currently provides official CLI builds for Linux and Mac.

  • Linux x86

  • Mac OS X 10.7 (lion) or later

  • Windows (Beta)

  • Linux ARM (Beta)

Please note The hyper client will attempt to update itself to the latest version once per day automatically. If you don't want to wait for the next daily cycle, just remove ~/.hyper/cktime.json, and the check will occur immediately.

Install on Mac

$ curl -O
$ unzip 
$ ./hyper --help


$ brew install hyper

Install on Linux x86

$ wget
$ tar xzf hyper-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
$ ./hyper --help

Install on Windows (Beta)

Install on Linux ARM (Beta)

$ wget
$ tar xzf hyper-arm.tar.gz
$ ./hyper --help

CLI Configuration

Once the installation completes, enter hyper config in your terminal and the CLI will prompt you for your API credential:

The credential is stored in a local configuration file $HOME/.hyper/config.json. The configuration file is similar to Docker's, with an extra section clouds.

Or you can use environment vairables HYPER_ACCESS and HYPER_SECRET to pass the access key and secret key to the CLI which will search for these environment variables before loading the configuration file.

Last updated