service create

POST /services/create

Example request:

POST /services/create HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "Name": "http",
  "Image": "nginx",
  "ContainerPort": 80,
  "Replicas": 2,
  "Protocol": "http",
  "ServicePort": 80,
  "Labels": {
    "app": "nginx"

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

  "Name": "http",
  "Image": "nginx",
  "WorkingDir": "",
  "ContainerSize": "s4",
  "SSLCert": "",
  "NetMode": "",
  "StopSignal": "",
  "ServicePort": 80,
  "ContainerPort": 80,
  "Replicas": 2,
  "HealthCheckInterval": 5,
  "HealthCheckFall": 3,
  "HealthCheckRise": 2,
  "Algorithm": "roundrobin",
  "Protocol": "http",
  "Stdin": false,
  "Tty": false,
  "SessionAffinity": false,
  "Entrypoint": null,
  "Cmd": null,
  "Env": null,
  "Volumes": null,
  "Labels": {
    "app": "nginx"
  "SecurityGroups": null,
  "IP": "",
  "Tenant": "b8dc36865f4b480683dabb25598d61c4",
  "FIP": "",
  "Message": "Service is created",
  "Created": "2016-10-08T13:12:15.405946064Z",
  "Status": "created",
  "Containers": null

Json parameters:

  • Name – Service name

  • Labels – A list of labels in format key=value.

  • Image – A string specifying the image name to use for the container.

  • Entrypoint – The entrypoint to run when starting the container.

  • Cmd – The command to run when starting the container.

  • Env – A list of environment variables in the form of ["VAR=value"[,"VAR2=value2"]].

  • WorkingDir – A string specifying the working directory for commands to run in.

  • Volumes - A list of volumes in format volume_name:container_path:ro.

  • TTY - Indicates whether allocates a pseudo-TTY.

  • Stdin - Keep STDIN open even if not attached.

  • NetMode - Connect containers to a network, only bridge is supported now.

  • StopSignal - Signal to stop a container, SIGTERM by default.

  • SecurityGroups - Security group for the container.

  • ServicePort - Serving port of the service.

  • ContainerPort - Container port of this serivce (default same with service port).

  • ContainerSize - The size of service containers (e.g. s1, s2, s3, s4, m1, m2, m3, l1, l2, l3).

  • Replicas - Number of containers belonging to this service.

  • Protocol - Service protocol (e.g. http, https, tcp, httpsTerm).

  • SSLCert - SSL cert for httpsTerm services (Only for httpsTerm).

  • HealthCheckInterval - Interval in seconds for health checking the service backends.

  • HealthCheckFall - Number of consecutive valid health checks before considering the server as DOWN.

  • HealthCheckRise - Number of consecutive valid health checks before considering the server as UP.

  • Algorithm - The algorithm of the service (e.g. roundrobin, leastconn, source).

  • SessionAffinity - Whether the service uses sticky sessions.

Status Codes:

  • 201 – no error

  • 409 – name conflicts with an existing object

  • 500 - server error

Last updated