

Usage:    hyper load [OPTIONS]

Load a local image or a tar file

  --help             Print usage
  -i, --input        Read from a local or remote archive file compressed with gzip, bzip, or xz, instead of STDIN
  -l, --local        Read from a local image
  -q, --quiet        Do not show load process


load image from public URL:

 $ hyper load -i http://<bucket>.s3.amazonaws.com/public/helloworld.tar

load image with quiet mode:

 $ hyper load -q -i http://<bucket>.s3.amazonaws.com/public/helloworld.tar

load image from compressed archive:

 $ hyper load -i http://<bucket>.s3.amazonaws.com/public/helloworld.tar.gz

load multiple images:

 $ hyper load -i http://<bucket>.s3.amazonaws.com/public/busybox_alpine.tar

load image from s3 pre-signed URL:

 $ hyper load -i https://<bucket>.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/private/cirros.tar?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20160523T120846Z&X-Amz-Expires=60&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=0eb3a3777cdc633f1bb0c05de0b950eb9bd560696eb5cffd26b493e1ea1a4fb0

load image with basic auth:

 $ hyper load -i http://<username>:<password>@<host_domain>/helloworld.tar

load image from STDIN: (similar with push, only upload the diff)

 $ cat helloworld.tar | hyper load

load image from local tar archive file: (similar with push, only upload the diff)

 $ hyper load -i helloworld.tar

load a local image: (similar with push, only upload the diff)

 $ hyper load -l helloworld:latest


  • Loading multiple images from local is not supported.

  • The image size is limited to 4GB.

Best Practice

  • Use hyper pull to pull the base image first before hyper load, will speed up the load progress.

Last updated