
func logs

Usage:    hyper func logs [OPTIONS] NAME

Retrieve the logs of a function

    --callid           Only retrieve specific logs of CallId
    -f, --follow       Follow log output
    --help             Print usage
    --tail=all         Number of lines to show from the end of the logs


Fetch logs of a function:

$ hyper func logs -f --callid 218b7b10-e7f1-4c48-ac3c-66792f8ffc06 helloworld
2017-03-16T15:05:58Z [CALL] CallId: 218b7b10-e7f1-4c48-ac3c-66792f8ffc06, ShortStdin: 
2017-03-16T15:05:58Z [PENDING] CallId: 218b7b10-e7f1-4c48-ac3c-66792f8ffc06
2017-03-16T15:06:04Z [RUNNING] CallId: 218b7b10-e7f1-4c48-ac3c-66792f8ffc06
2017-03-16T15:06:10Z [FINISHED] CallId: 218b7b10-e7f1-4c48-ac3c-66792f8ffc06, ShortStdout: HelloWorld
, ShortStderr: 


  • ShortStdin, ShortStdout, ShortStderr is the first 255 bytes of STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR.

  • Each function includes 50MB of logs space (with rotation).

Last updated